Igael Fellhammer, Dwarven Paladin
Leader of the knights of the misty vale and the adopted son of Gustav Fellhammer
Brought to Kara'ack Azghul 48 years ago by a traveller, Igael grew up at the Keep of Crack Skull. There he learned the ways of the warrior. Taking part in numerous patrols into the valley and to the nearby town of Aardem, he grew to love the land and its people. Igael befriended many locals who saw his kindness and strength of character as a source of inspiration. As he grew into manhood, Gustav put Igael into command of his own patrol where his natural leadership came forth.
It was while on one of these patrols in the Fellwood Forest that his group was set upon by a group of hairy savages with simple weapons designed for slaughter and pain. His men dispatched the initial ambush rapidly with there superior training, but when all seemed to be under control a darkness fell over the men’s hearts and an awakened evils presence was felt like putrid rot in the air. His men ran in terror from some unseen force but Igael knew that if he turned to flee as these veteran soldiers were doing, then he would be cut down like a dog.
His strength of will alone allowed him to look fear in the eyes and stared down the evil in the dark woods. His legs froze like stone as the presence became more palatal . The young dwarf could sense and feel the dark heart in the shadows. An unseen battle of wills began as Igael stared into the darkest void knowing full well that he could not see anything but knew without a doubt he was staring evil in the eye.
His mind ran through all that he was taught and his training was unwavering. Braking the enchantment in his legs he walked steadily forward with his sword drawn and shield raised. As he got closer to the void his sword began to glow a bright silver light and he felt the strength of divine righteousness fill the arm that was holding his sword. Sensing the creature’s closeness he swung his blade with a furry unmatched in his short life.
His weapon struck true and a shadowy form recoiled from his attack. The very darkness seemed to quiver and recoil from the divine wound it had suffered. It began to collect itself and coil like a serpent into a solid mass. Green eyes glowing of hatred could be seen and the smell of its presence assailed the young dwarf’s nose, striking out again with much the same result. This time the darkness pulled itself deeper into the trees in retreat from the blade that bit so deep. After a moment of thought, the woods returned to a more natural state. Looking down at the blade he held, Igael saw that it was pitted and worn as if the masterly worked blade was held in acid. It was then that he heard the cry of a child.
He followed the sound and found a clearing where he saw a small child naked and covered in blood still attached to what appeared to be the remains of a human woman. Picking up the baby he began to wipe the gore from its face. What he thought was a blood stain was soon discovered to be the dark red skin tone of this child and eyes to match. Followed by horns at its temple. Dropping the child in disgust in such a way as to crush it from impact, the small demon halted itself in mid air smiling with a mischievous grin and a perfect set of teeth of purest white. Dumbfounded, all he could do was stare at this floating child and point saying, "Teef "in his heavy accent.
The little newborn bundle giggled like any child would and he pulled Igaels beard strong and hard laughing even more.
Still in the rapture of his divine experience, Igael grabbed the baby, "Ye might be born o hell, but I’ll be raisin you in the arms of right and just. You got the look of a meat-eater with those teef o yers , I betcha your gonna love Auntie Kliemas Roast Boar." As the two walked along the forest path the young one yelped "TEEEEF"!
They both laughed and he knew that “Teef” would be its name.